Monday, February 17, 2014

The Beauty in Digital Publishing

What is a story? More importantly, what is publishing? Is it only books, and if so, are ebooks books?

Even better, can a series of 200 Instagram pictures be considered an ebook, if read altogether? According to author and creator Shelley Jackson, yes, they can. Jackson’s project, which portrays a different word exquisitely written in nature as a stand alone image in her Instagram account, @snowshelleyjackson, gives readers a full sense of the story, one agonizingly slow image at a time. Fortunately, Jackson is able to create and capture several separate images each day, a task she will continue as long as the oft-maligned weather cooperates.

Published in reverse in gorgeous but snow dependent font, Jackson is creating a story one picture at a time, as long as the snow lasts. In order to read the full story, users have to access the farthest photograph and work their ways forward. While certainly not a traditional digital book by any means, it is, however, another example of the creative control an author can exert of her work thanks to non-traditional forms of publishing platforms.

To read the full account, follow Jackson HERE and work in backwards order from the oldest to most current image.

The Beauty in Digital Publishing is a post from: E-Reader News

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