Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Flipping the classroom: eBooks and your curriculum

One of the latest trends in teaching is called the "flipped classroom." This technique involves providing lectures for students to view at home while what would normally be done as homework on their own time is completed in the classroom. It provides students the opportunity to ask questions and collectively problem solve with assistance from the teacher. A simple Google search will yield countless reports and success stories about how flipped classrooms are improving test scores in every subject.

Your digital library can assist in implementing a flipped classroom by providing easily accessible supplemental reading. Your students can borrow recommended eBooks through your OverDrive website that correlate with the lessons they've just viewed, you can use eBooks on an Interactive White Board to discuss language structure while in class, or you can use audiobooks to supplement or substitute lectures on specific topics.

With titles ranging from popular YA and fiction titles to test prep, biographies and countless education pieces, your OverDrive digital collection provides opportunities for your students to use the technology they're so used to having in their hands at all times. Flipped classrooms are centered on providing students with better collaboration opportunities, more interaction with teachers and using technology to better prepare students for their futures. Using your OverDrive Digital Library as a part of this formula gives you the chance to take this success one step further.


Adam Sockel is a Marketing Communications Specialist with OverDrive.


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