Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Reading Relevant Book Content via Social Media with BookVibe


Good e-Reader’s recent post outlining the extreme measures that authors and publishers take to create book discovery and buzz about their new titles spoke volumes about the need for more consumer-driven marketing tactics that are both genuine and effective. A new service from Parakweet, still in beta testing, leaves the content generators out of it and focuses on more reliable sources: fellow readers.

BookVibe, a free new feature that leverages users’ social media activity to pick out the really important content–while using algorithms to disregard spam-like or by-the-way posts and tweets–to provide them a tangible list of content they really need to know about based on their own follow activity. Of the 400 million tweets that the world sends each day, Parakweet has identified that about 100,000 of those tweets are book related, still a staggering amount of content for users to sift through in order to find a great book recommendation. BookVibe does the sorting for the users and provides a detailed account of what it deems to be genuine book buzz.

According to a press release on BookVibe when it was first announced in May of this year, “The Parakweet platform is able to extract meaning from unstructured social chatter. Using a proprietary Natural Language Processing based platform, Parakweet is able to extract conversations where customers are discussing products, along with associated metadata such as intent, behaviors and sentiment, with unprecedented accuracy. Parakweet enables media companies to tap into these micro-reviews and other social signals that consumers are generating organically in the social universe. All Parakweet products are available through APIs which enable integration into other platforms as well as the combination of Social Media Metadata with customers' proprietary internal data.”

So how does this help readers and authors? It helps by filtering out the spam-like book commercials that have begun dominating social media. Rather than having to wade through the dreaded “buy my book!” tweets that flood book lovers’ social media streams, BookVibe can bring to the top only those book discussions that are centered around genuine discussion, doing so with startling accuracy.

“Parakweet identifies approximately 100,000 tweets a day that are actually about books with 96% precision. Keyword-based search techniques would identify approximately 10 million tweets per day that could be book titles, with around 99% false positives or "noise." By maximizing the signal-to-noise ratio, Parakweet enables complex and nuanced operations to be performed based on the accurately identified entities.”

Reading Relevant Book Content via Social Media with BookVibe is a post from: E-Reader News

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