To make the most of the valuable features and data in Content Reserve, let's delve into statistical reporting. This month, we're focusing on the Current Waiting List. The Current Waiting List reflects the titles users are most eager to read. It can also serve as a guide for building your Holds Manager plan, which is highly recommended to reduce extra work on selectors. To get started, visit the Reports tab in Content Reserve and click on the Current Waiting List button. After establishing the parameters and running the report, you'll see a snapshot of the waiting list for your library at the top, including the number of holds by format and the average wait period. Use these details to see which titles have high holds so you can consider purchasing additional copies. This information can also be used when creating your Holds Manager Plan or while browsing Marketplace.  If you plan to use the Current Waiting List report to build a cart, the Create Worksheet button at the top of the page will conveniently export the details to an Excel spreadsheet for customization and easy reference as you browse Marketplace. In the report, keep an eye on the hold to copy ratio (number of holds on a title divided by the number of copies owned) when evaluating whether additional copies should be ordered. By reviewing the highest and average hold to copy ratios, you can determine a standard ratio that meets your library's collection development needs. This ratio can also be a basis for a Holds Manager plan. Click on the Ratio heading in the report to sort results by this value. For assistance with setting up your Holds Manager plan or creating carts in Marketplace, please contact your Collection Development Specialist. Heather Valentine-Gold is an Account Specialist at OverDrive.  |
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