Friday, April 26, 2013

OverDrive Media Console compatibility for Linux Users


Maybe you have dreaded telling the users who come into your library and are wanting help with Linux that OverDrive Media Console was not compatible with their chosen platform. Due to a recent discovery, we have found a way to get OMC on a Linux computer. Things are about to get nerdy, so stick with me.


Many Linux users are familiar with a program called Wine – not the popular libation, but a "translator" that allows Windows native applications to run in the Linux environment. Wine takes a Windows Application's calls, and translates them to the corresponding Linux calls.  The result is an environment where Windows applications run in the Linux environment as if they were written for Linux. Let me be clear and note that it's not perfect – some results may vary, giving you the ability to use the core features of an application, while also preventing other features from working.


When OverDrive Media Console is installed on a Linux PC using Wine, you will gain the capability of playing OverDrive MP3 Audiobooks, and even returning them through the software.  On the other hand, some features are not available, including support for WMA Audiobooks and WMV Videos, and the ability to transfer to MP3 players. The reason some features are not supported in Linux is the inability to install the latest version of the Windows Media Player security upgrade required for use with Windows Media formats.


In addition to this recent discovery, Open EPUB books should work as long as you have an eReader program installed, OverDrive Read titles will also work on Linux since the format is browser-based, and not tied to external programs like Adobe Digital Editions. Kindle Titles are also available to Linux users using the Kindle Cloud Reader. And you can also use Adobe Digital Editions 1.7 with Wine. To all Linux users out there, let's hope this is the beginning of more things to come!


To download and install ADE with Wine, please see the Wine project’s App Database (appDB) entry for Adobe Digital Editions.


If you would like to download and install OMC with Wine, please see the Wine project's App Database (appDB) entry for OMC.

If you don’t have Wine or you aren’t sure how Wine works, try these links:


 Justin Noszek is a Support Specialist for OverDrive.


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