Thursday, January 16, 2014

Poster competition update #2

Here, for your edification, are hundreds more of the posters you made as entries to our poster competition. This slideshow contains most of the posters you sent us by email.

We’ve lingered on each poster for under two seconds so we could get through them all in less than ten minutes: if you want a closer look, hit the pause button!

Clive is lying under a tsunami of paperwork, preparing for BETT next week, so he did not have time to extract images from about 60 posters we were sent by email that came in non-standard image formats. If yours was a ppt, doc, pdf or pub file (we had some other…curious…formats as well), I’m afraid we haven’t been able to include it in this slideshow: but if you sent us a poster by email before the deadline, you will be receiving a Pi even if you can’t see your poster here.

Everybody who entered gets a Raspberry Pi kit. Some of the posters were so imaginative and so well-executed that we’ll be choosing a favourite each and rewarding them with a little extra something: we’ll let you know which ones we select next week. We’ll be basing some tutorials and real-life projects on some of the ideas you sent us too. Thank you so much to everybody who entered; we’ve really enjoyed going through the posters!

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